Adult Spine Neurosurgery Geneva

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Oral communication :

Consensus conférence: “Crusing around the foramen magnum”, Rome 10-11th January 2013 “Unusual foramen magnum stenosis due to the premature closure of the occipital synchondrosis associated with a sinus marginalis anomaly. Benoit Jenny, Oliver Gautschi, Igor Leuchter, Aikaterini Kanavaki, Sylviane Hanquinet, Benedict Rilliet and Karl Schaller

European Society for Craniofacial Surgery (ESCFS) Göteborg 27-29 sept 2012: “Hemifacial reconstruction in noma sequelae”. B. Pittet, D. Monatandon, D. Baratti-Mayer, B. Jenny and B. Rilliet.

40th annual meeting International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN 2012, Sydney, 8-13th sept): Seizure control after epilepsy surgery: experience in young children and adolescent. Benoit Jenny, Yassine El Hassani, Shahan Momjian, Claudio Pollo, Margitta Seeck and Karl Schaller

23rd meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN 2012), Amsterdam 1-5th may 2012:  Seizure control after epilepsy surgery: experience in young children and adolescents. Benoit Jenny, Yassine El Hassani, Shahan Momjian, Claudio Pollo, Margitta Seeck and Karl Schaller

39th annual meeting International Society for Paediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN 2011), Goa, India, 17th-21st oct 2011: Gyral mapping as a road map to target epilepsy surgery around central sulcus. Benoit Jenny, Jeremy Freeman, Simon Harvey and Wirginia Maixner

35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. 9-12th September 2007 Endoscopic cysto-ventriculostomy for the treatment of intra-cererbal cysts.  Jenny B., Momjian S. and Rilliet B.
Société de Neurochirurgie de Langues Française, Congrès d’hiver, Paris, 26-29 Novembre 2006 :
Fistules durales géantes chez le nouveau-né : cas 4 rapporté,
Jenny B., Zerah M., Swift D., Le Tophic A., Merzoug V., Baudrimont M., Alvarez H., Grangé G.,et  Rilliet B.

XX Biennial Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, 6–11 March 2006, Martinique: Giant dural venous fistula in neonates. Report of 4 cases.  Jenny B., Zerah M., Swift D., and  Rilliet B.


Posters :

41st annual meeting International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN 2013, Mainz 29th sept-3rd oct)

Proteus syndrome revealing itself  after the treatment of a bilateral subdural hemantoma. Yassine El Hassani, Karl Schaller, Benoit Jenny, Brigitte Pittet-Cuenod, Armand Bottani, Paolo Scolozzi, Hulya Ozsahin Ayse, Benedict RIlliet

Intraoperative continuous interictal epileptiform discharge rate during functional hemispherotomy in children Benoit Jenny, R. Tyrand, Shahan Momjian, Yassine El Hassani, M. Seeck, Karl Schaller, C. Boëx (Genève/CH)

Cavernoma of the third ventricle: study of a pediatric case and literature review
Jeremy Brodard, Benoit Jenny, A. Etemad-Sajadi, Olivier Vernet, Karl Schaller, Bénédict Rilliet (Geneva/CH, Lausanne/CH)

A rare associtation of chronic subdural hematoma and autosomal polycystic kidney disease in children. Yassine El Hassani, Renato Almeida Gondar, Karl Schaller, Benoit Jenny

40th annual meeting International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN 2012, Sydney, 8-13th sept):
Hemostasis issues during peri-insular hemispherotomy for hemimegalencephaly: the report of 2 cases. Benoit Jenny, Yassine El Hassani, Shahan Momjian, Walid Habre, Christian Korff, Margitta Seeck, Karl Schaller

40th annual meeting International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN 2012, Sydney, 8-13th sept):
Cerebellar gangliocytoma presenting with intractable epilepsy: a case report. Benoit Jenny, Serge Vulliemoz, Augustina Lascano, Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke, Colette BOex, Christian Korff, Alexandre Lobrinus, Margitta Seeck, Karl Schaller

23rd biennial meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN 2012) Amsterdam 1-5th may 2012: Occipital sinus pericranii associated with craniosynostosis: a report of two cases
M. Zenobi, B. Jenny, Y. El Hassani, B. Pittet, B. Rilliet

39th annual meeting International Society for Peadiatric Neurosurgery (ISPN), Goa, India, 17th-21st  oct 2011: Seizure control after epilepsy surgery: experience in children and adolescents. Benoit Jenny, Yassine El Hassani, Shahan Momjian, Claudio Pollo, Margitta Seeck and Karl Schaller

5th Forum European Neuroscience, July 8-12, 2006 Vienna, Austria

Migration of FGF-2 transduced neural progenitors in the normal and ischemic rat brain.
Jenny B., Dayer A., Potter G., Sauvain M. O., Gascon E., Sizonenko S. & Kiss J. Z.

Grafted neural precursors migrate and differentiate into interneurons in a cortical slice model.
Dayer A., Jenny B., Potter G., Sauvain M. O., Gascon E. & Kiss J. Z.

GABA regulates integration of newly generated interneurons in the olfactory bulb by promoting lamellipodia stability and early dendritic growth.
Gascon E., Dayer A. G, Jenny B., De Roo M., Zgraggen E., Potter G., Demaurex N., Muller D. & Kiss J. Z.

The Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting, November 12-16, 2005, Washington DC
Migration of FGF - transduced neural progenitor cells in the rat brain
B. Jenny; A.Dayer; G.Potter; M.Sauvin; E.Gascon; S.Sizonenko; J.Z.Kiss

FGF - 2 increases the migration and invasiveness of neural progenitors in a cortical slice model
A.G.Dayer1*; B.Jenny1; G.Potter1; M.Sauvain2; E.Gascon1; J.Z.Kiss1   

Role of matrix metalloproteinases in the migration of neural progenitor cells ( NPCs ) in vitro
E.Gascon1*; A.Dayer1; M.Kanemitsu2; B.Jenny; G.Potter1; E.Zgraggen1; I.Gasche2; J.Z.Kiss1



Oral communications:

2nd SFCNS Federation of Clinical Neuro-Socitieties, Montreux 5-7 June 2013. Pediatric epilepsy surgery: the sooner, the better. Benoit Jenny, Nicolas Smoll, Yassine El Hassani, Serge Vuillemoz, Shahan Momjian, Claudio Pollo, Christian Korff, Margitta Seeck, Karl Schaller.

Réunion commune SGKN SNG SLgE SFND/ SSNC SSN LScE ASDN, Lugano, 3-5th may 2012: Seizure control after epilepsy surgery: experience in young children and adolescents. Benoit Jenny, Yassine El Hassani, Shahan Momjian, Claudio Pollo, Margitta Seeck and Karl Schaller

Symposium en l’honneur Dr. Benedict Rilliet, 31.09.2011, Genève, HUGs: Chirurgie de l’épilepsie chez l’enfant: l’expérience romande. Benoit Jenny and Karl Schaller,

Jubileum meeting 100 Jahre SNG/100ans SSN (Swiss Society of Neurology and Swiss Society for Neurosurgery, 23-25th April 2008. Expression of FGF-2 in neural progenitor cells increases their potential for cellular brain repair in the rodent cortex. Jenny B., Dayer AG., Sauvain MO, Potter G, Salmon P., Zgraggen E., Kanemitsu M., Gascon E., Trono D and Kiss JZ.

Joint Annual Meeting Swiss society of Neurosurgery and Swiss Society of Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 26-27th October 2007 Experience of nine cranioplasties with patient specific implants for large skull base defect reconstruction. Jenny B., Kuzbruch A., Scolozzi P., Pittet B., Jaques B., and Rilliet B.

Swiss Society of Neurosurgery, Annual meeting, Montreux, 3-4th October 2006.
Endoscopic cysto-ventriculostomy for the treatment of intra-cerebral cysts.
Jenny B., Momjian, S. and Rilliet B.,

Joint Meeting Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie/Swiss Pediatric Neurosurgery Group, St. Gallen,  2./3. Dezember 2005
Multiple aggressive vertebral angiomas, severe paraparesis, PTEN mutation and Cowden disease: report of one case. B. Jenny, C.-A. Haenggeli, J. Delavelle, D. Rüfenacht, A. Kaelin, A. Bottani and B. Rilliet.



2nd SFCNS Federation of Clinical Neuro-Socitieties, Montreux 5-7 June 2013. Pediatric epilepsy surgery: the sooner, the better. Benoit Jenny, Nicolas Smoll, Yassine El Hassani, Serge Vuillemoz, Shahan Momjian, Claudio Pollo, Christian Korff, Margitta Seeck, Karl Schaller.

Jubileum meeting 100 Jahre SNG/100ans SSN (Swiss Society of Neurology and Swiss Society for Neurosurgery, 23-25th April 2008. Expression of FGF-2 in neural progenitor cells increases their potential for cellular brain repair in the rodent cortex. Jenny B., Dayer AG., Sauvain MO, Potter G, Salmon P., Zgraggen E., Kanemitsu M., Gascon E., Trono D and Kiss JZ. 

Awarded “Best poster, 1st price” by the by the Swiss Society of Neurosurgery

Second Meeting of the Lemanic Neuroscience, September, 2005, Diablerets, Switzerland
Migration of FGF-transduced neural progenitor cells in the rat brain
B. Jenny, A. Dayer, G. Potter, MO. Sauvain, E.Gascon and J.Z. Kiss

First Meeting of the Lemanic Neuroscience, 27 & 28 September, 2004, Diablerets, Switzerland
A role for vascular endothelial growth factor in normal brain development?
B. Jenny1, S. Sizonenko1, A. Dayer1, E. Gascon1, J. Kiss1


Participation in other international meetings

Controversies in Neurosurgery, Royal Melbourne Hospital, 2010

Part of the organising committee for the XXIst biennial meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery in Montreux 11-15th may 2008